Privacy Policy
This website is operated by ClauseBase BV, with registered office at Alfons Stesselstraat 9, 3012 Wilsele, Belgium and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under company number 0723.768.270 (hereafter: “ClauseBase” or “we”).
This Privacy Statement explains how we, as the data controller, use any personal information on this website.
Please note that a separate privacy statement e xplains how we use personal information when you use our software to generate contracts. Another privacy statement explains how we use personal information when you use our ClauseBuddy-software to search and insert clauses.
Which categories of personal data do we collect?
We go to great lengths to avoid the use of cookies on this website. While we do collect some anonymous statistics throughPlausible, a separate service, we do not actively track users through cookies (as so many other websites do).
Obviously, when you get in contact with us, or when you subscribe to our newsletter, we will get access to your contact details (name and email). Such processing is, however, separate from this website.
All in all, we therefore do not actively collect or analyse any personal data about you when you browse this website. In other words, when you visit this website, but do not actively contact us, we at ClauseBase have no possibility to know who you are, or be aware when you re-visit this website in the future.
Contact information
For any further data protection related inquiries, please contact us